Meet Candice
Energetically Aligned Facilitator
If you have landed on my page ... welcome ... let me introduce myself!
My name is Candice! I am a retired military nurse, small business owner, mom of three, wife, and pet-momma to four that keep us almost as busy as the kids.
Now ... let's talk about how I landed here ...
Being no stranger to years of trauma, abuse, and dysfunction led me to repeating generational patterns that I knew were not in alignment with what my future self, desired.
I decided to Just P.I.V.O.T. ™ and started taking control of my life leaving behind the excuses I continued to tell myself.
I needed to make the shift from victim to victor.
I needed to reframe saying ‘yes’ when I wanted to say ‘no’.
I needed to let go of the old stories placed on me by wounded family and friends.
I needed to own who I was and embody it fully without judgment.
I needed to learn that self-worth can only come from within.
I needed to affirm that my truth was not an illusion.
I invested in myself collecting a toolkit of various modalities that allowed me to work through these traumas and beliefs preparing me for life as it continues to happen around me.
Can you relate?
Self-worth is lacking, therefore saying ‘yes’ to everyone and everything.
Self-judgment for not being skinny, pretty or trendy enough.
Self-criticism for being too much … loud, opinionated, talkative.
I will always be a work in progress.
But … these modalities (aside from healing layers) have been such a game changer and have opened windows of opportunities I would have otherwise missed. It has cleared generational trauma. It has provided an avenue for healthy coping versus self-sabotage. It has allowed me to be a conduit for others to include my family to ensure our lineage moving forward is better equipped and prepared for what life has to offer us.
Now firmly rooted and grounded, I am in a place where I want to help others do the same. Let me serve as your facilitator and help you rediscover and reinvent yourself. Starting from the inside out, we can raise your frequency and vibration energetically aligning you to a balanced state of wellness.
Let me meet you where you are at … whether that is just dipping your toes in or ready to dive in headfirst.
It is never too late to truly live!
I hope to serve you in whichever way you choose. If we are not a match energetically, I understand, but promise me that you will take the time for your own self-care.
It would be my absolute pleasure to serve you in diving deeper; let's see what we stumble upon.
Many Blessings
- Candice
Just P.I.V.O.T.
This signature service is designed to bring you back to a state of balanced wellness by applying various modalities throughout the course of our session together.
Sometimes, it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach and we require a little bit of this … and a little bit of that. By assessing your individual needs and where you currently feel out of alignment, I can skillfully provide services that I have incorporated into my daily practice over the last three years, to bring you to an improved state of alignment.
Each session might look a little different based on your day-to-day routine and any life events or stressors you are navigating through. The toolbox of modalities I have gained as well as the underlying advanced nursing knowledge I have, will only support our time together.